SQL Server Format Dates : cybexhosting.net

Hello and welcome to our journal article on SQL Server format dates. In this article, we will be discussing the various ways you can format dates in SQL Server. Whether you are a SQL developer or a beginner, this article is for you. We will be covering everything from basic date formatting to more advanced techniques.

What is Date Formatting?

Before we dive into the different ways to format dates in SQL Server, let’s discuss what date formatting is. Date formatting is the process of converting a date into a specific format. This is usually done to make the date more readable or to match a specific format requirement. SQL Server has several built-in functions that can help you format dates. We will be discussing these functions in the following sections.


Question Answer
What is the date format in SQL Server? The date format in SQL Server is yyyy-mm-dd.
Can I change the date format in SQL Server? Yes, you can change the date format in SQL Server using the CONVERT function.
What is the difference between the CONVERT and CAST functions? The CONVERT function allows you to convert a data type to another data type with a specific format. The CAST function only allows you to convert a data type to another data type without any formatting.

Basic Date Formatting

The most basic way to format a date in SQL Server is to use the CONVERT function. The CONVERT function allows you to convert a date into a specific format. Here is a basic example:


In this example, we are using the GETDATE function to get the current date and time. We are then using the CONVERT function to convert the date into a VARCHAR data type with the format mm/dd/yyyy. The result will be something like this:


As you can see, the date is now in the format we specified.


Question Answer
What is the format code for yyyy-mm-dd? The format code for yyyy-mm-dd is 120.
Can I change the order of the date components? Yes, you can change the order of the date components by changing the format code.
What is the maximum length of the VARCHAR data type? The maximum length of the VARCHAR data type is 8000.

Advanced Date Formatting

If you need to format a date in a more complex way, you can use the FORMAT function. The FORMAT function allows you to format a date using a custom format string. Here is an example:

SELECT FORMAT(GETDATE(), 'dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy')

In this example, we are using the GETDATE function to get the current date and time. We are then using the FORMAT function to format the date using a custom format string. The result will be something like this:

Saturday, February 19, 2022

As you can see, the date is now in a custom format that we specified.


Question Answer
Can I use the FORMAT function to format other data types? Yes, you can use the FORMAT function to format other data types like decimal and money.
What is the maximum length of the custom format string? The maximum length of the custom format string is 4000.
What is the difference between the FORMAT and CONVERT functions? The FORMAT function allows you to format a date using a custom format string. The CONVERT function only allows you to convert a date to a specific format.


Formatting dates in SQL Server can seem complicated at first, but with the built-in functions and a little practice, it can become second nature. In this article, we covered the basic and advanced ways to format dates in SQL Server. We also included some frequently asked questions to help you better understand the topic. We hope this article has been helpful and informative. Thank you for reading!

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